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News Highlights for the Week: May 1st – May 7th

May 1, 20238 min read

Hello Long Beach! Here are some local news highlights to kick off the week of May 1st, 2023.

Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine partners with the Los Angeles Dodgers Foundation to offer summer programs 

The City of Long Beach is partnering with the Los Angeles Dodgers Foundation to provide baseball programs for youth. In addition, the program will be providing information and resources for basic needs, education, and health care. Image via Instagram @longbeachparks

The Los Angeles Dodgers Foundation has gifted the city of Long Beach a $62,430 grant for Parks, Recreation and Marine’s (PRM) Youth Sports Program. This program will offer T-Ball and coach pitch for ages 5 to 8 and baseball and fastpitch softball for youth ages 9 through 17 this summer. Dodgers Dreamteam players will receive uniforms and sports equipment, and will also receive information and resources that address basic needs, education, and healthcare. Participants will also get to have free access to programs like Dodger Days, Fitness and Nutrition Clinics, Coaches Training, Player Development Training, and College and Career Accelerator Workshops. These programs are set to run from June through August, and registration for these programs begins May 1st until the 31st. Parents and guardians interested in enrolling their children can apply online or visit the Long Beach Youth Sports Office, located at 5001 Deukmejian Drive.

City looks to expand mental health services

The Department of Health Services has conducted a report that highlights the strengths and challenges of current mental health services of Long Beach to find ways to improve the system.

The Long Beach City Council is scheduled to discuss possible strategies to expand mental health services during this week’s session. The Department of Health and Human Services has been reviewing the current mental health system that addresses the well-being of youth in schools, adults with depression and anxiety, people experiencing homelessness, and individuals in crisis to determine both short and long-term solutions for improving the system. The DHHS reported that the main concern is the difficulties people face trying to find access to mental health resources or substance abuse treatment, and that better training and educational resources need to be put in place. In order to enhance the mental health system in the city, the report suggested simplifying enrollment programs, removing barriers to treatment, and finding solutions to provide more specialized care. The City Council will go over these suggestions Tuesday, May 2nd.

City issues notice of potential delays for waste collection

A staff shortage in the Long Beach Department of Public Works may cause delays in refuse pickups this week. Stock image via Canva.

The Long Beach Department of Public Works is currently experiencing staffing shortages that may cause delays in their regularly scheduled waste pickups throughout the city. The city advises residents to leave their trash bins out so that they may be collected the following service day. If collection still does not occur on the following day, residents can call 562.570.2876 to schedule a collection.

The following areas may be temporarily impacted:

  • Ocean Boulevard to 7th Street from Alamitos Avenue to Temple Avenue
  • Atlantic Avenue to Pine from 10th Street to PCH
  • Pine Avenue to Golden Avenue from Broadway to Anaheim Street
  • Cherry Avenue to Nebraska Avenue from 7th Street to 4th Street

City and Port of Long Beach consider partnership to provide funding for the Queen Mary

The City of Long Beach is considering a partnership with the Port of Long Beach to secure funds to work on renovations for the Queen Mary. The City hopes that the investment will make the boat a main revenue stream for the City. Image via Instagram: @thequeenmary

The Long Beach City Council will consider an agreement with the Port of Long Beach to invest in the Queen Mary to strengthen tourism, hospitality, transportation, and logistics. In the agreement, the Port is said to advance $12 million that the city may use to fund the Queen Mary’s re-opening amenities and activities, restoration projects, and infrastructure needs. The proposed agreement also supports the Grow Long Beach Initiative, which focuses on revenue streams that wean away from the city’s reliance on oil money. The city wishes to make improvements to the Queen Mary so that it can become one of these revenue streams and generate a substantial amount of money.

Mobile Access Center Continues Homeless Services Outreach Throughout May

The Mobile Access Centers have expanded their hours to be open until 4 p.m. in the month of May. Image via Instagram: @longbeachcity

The Mobile Access Centers found around the city of Long Beach provide services that provide referrals to shelters, enrollment in the homeless service system, connections to community resources, and medical services. The MAC has recently extended its hours to be available in the afternoon so that outreach staff can reach more individuals and follow up with existing clients.

Beginning today, MAC will be stationed in the following areas from 9 a.m. to noon:

  • Mondays – North Los Altos Shopping Center, parking lot northeast of Stearns Street and Bellflower Boulevard intersection.
  • Tuesdays – Houghton Park (6301 Myrtle Ave.), Atlantic Avenue side of the park.
  • Wednesdays – Billie Jean King Main Library (200 W. Broadway), Pacific Avenue side of the Library.
  • Thursdays – Drake Park (951 Maine Ave.), parking lot.
  • Fridays – Granada Beach Parking Lot near Rosie’s Dog Beach, area of E. Ocean Boulevard and Granada Avenue.

The MAC will also be at the following locations from 1:30 to 4 p.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays:

  • Mondays – Ximeno Avenue near Traffic Circle
  • Tuesdays – Ramona Park (3301 E. 65th St.)
  • Wednesdays – 6th Street and Long Beach Boulevard, on 6th Street between Long Beach Boulevard and Elm Avenue

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